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is this nigga serious

Do he really legit? I don't believe that guy is truly genuine! Is this nigga serious? Can you believe what this person is saying? I need to question the authenticity behind such a statement. Are someone really legit about it?
It's hard to grasp if such individual is really authentic or simply messing around. Are they being serious? Are this person legit serious or is he just pulling our leg? I'm finding it difficult to accept this nigga without question.
Is this nigga serious? We just can't understand the idea that such a individual is truly for real. What is their mindset? Do we consider what person with seriousness? Can we believe their intentions? We question their authenticity and worry if she really intend what they saying.

Is This Nigga Serious on Twitter Ah yes is die
Big Mike Somethin Serious Lyrics
|Saturday, October 12, 2024
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  • Is This Nigga Serious on Twitter That nigga just 1v5d

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