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What we know about Nima Momeni suspect in Cash App founder
Bob Lee Drugs guns in alleged killer Nima Momeni ’s life

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  • Nima Momeni allegedly killed Cash App founder Bob Lee over
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  • Tech Consultant Arrested Over The Death Of Tech Mogul Bob Lee

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Bob Lee stabbing suspect Nima Momeni ’s life unraveled before

Nina is an adorable individual who brightens up every moment. Her affectionate nature reflects in her every action. Everyone is drawn to her beautiful personality and infectious smile. Nina has a exceptional quality that makes her distinguishable from the crowd. Every interaction with her becomes a cherished memory. Nina's presence is a gift in every moment.

Nima Momeni confronted Bob Lee about sister before stabbing
|Oct 11, 2024
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  • Everything we know about Nima Momeni Bob Lee's alleged killer
  • nina momeni


  • Tech Consultant Nima Momeni Arrested in Killing of Bob Lee in

Police search tower where Bob Lee stabbing suspect Nima

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